Caring for Your Home

Main Topic Index » Homeowner Maintenance Guidelines

One Time Repairs

We provide several first-time repairs for your home.  Your Homeowner Manual lists these under individual headings such as "drywall" or "grout" in the Caring For Your Home Section.  We provide this service as a courtesy and give you an opportunity to observe methods and materials needed for ongoing maintenance for your home. 

Only ONE one-time repair request per home during the warranty period please. We suggest sending this in near the end of your warranty year to maximize the benefits you receive. Simply complete and mail or fax this form to our office with your year-end warranty list. Thank you!

Name___________________________________________ Date___________________________

Address__________________________________________ Community______________________


Phone/Work______________________________________ Plan_____________________________

Phone/Work______________________________________ Closing Date______________________











Homeowner?s Signature___________________________________

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